Friday, July 23, 2010

the actual defination will be.....??

now im realizing im all alone...
im actually dont have any fren...
not even one...
sounds idiotic+jerk+looser... 
poor me...
but... that about all the people around me..?? 
the people  that im use 2 talked 2..??
the person ive used to laugh with...??
in my view that not pass the definition of fwen yet...
the word fren needs a higher n more noble meaning rather than jus a person who has been with us 4 some quite tyme... 
4 me.. fren is someone who does makemyself like myself n knowing myself not jus by my physically... 
but emotionally+mentally.... hmmm...
it seem that the fren neet to know alot about me...
it jus definition... 
knowing some of the element is enought to the personality throughout the person...
im might a little bit too specific but that what frens frens....
n by that we can speak about something that not in both our sensitive part... 
so no heart break.. 
no irritating feel... 
n it help both of them to judgen respect each other towards a better frenship or each person live... 
as knowledge n experience drive persons life..
.the title fren only achieves when both parties play their respective rule by respecting each other... 
knowing one another... help one another... accompany one another... 
by then what makes the so called fren so valuable..
n a farewell seems quite impossible to be done... 
it will remain in our memories either sad or happy n both will turn to a such memories that we cant resist 2 end..
we cant afford to lose them... 
this post is dedicated 2 all my fren... love u all.. thankz 4 being part in my memory...
luv ya...!!!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

the 2nd most deepest fall of my life...

terase dok kt dlm kegelapan total... 
terase nyawe nih tnggl siket aje ag.... 
cmuh kowt rse nyer idop segan mati x mau... tp... pe nk wat... kt cnih sume dak2 baru... 
nk cari yg memahami pown x taw dyer btol2 paham or jus nk jage ati... or even worst.. 
nk jge personal asset dyer jer...

not a story about other...psal ak... 
fine klo mende uh dh
but klo nk compare ngan other... ak kre still x over ar... rmi ag yg over dri ak...
membisu... menyendiri.... cakap sepatah jawab sepatah... 
uh yg korunk nk..?? 
mngken ideologi ak tok jd dak yg ceria dpandang serong n lebey dilihat dri sudut yg kurang dfokus kn...

ak sblom msok ag ak dh wat ketas keje tok mende nih... ak dh plan tok cari dak2 yg memenuhi kriteria matang sbb remaje senang tepengaroh... 
so ak arap ak akn tepengaroh ngan kematangan dorg... 
bkan dri segi sifat... 
isap rokok ≠ matang...
 lmbt msok kuliah  ≠ matang...
tnde aras kematangan ak bile owg cakap ngan ak owg hormat... ble ak present or brucap owg dengar...
n owg rapat not because kepentingan sendiri...

tp uh ar masalh nyer... 
sume ak ikowt cume 1...
n 1 uh je..  
yg 1 uh ar owg nk besa2 kn... 
n mle tok mnggugat stability kehidupan ak kt cnih...
ade je owg bley  
time yg 1 uh...
n dowg act bese jer ngan ak... so ak pown treat ar dowg fair... 
klo 1 uh nk d dihebah kn... 
d siar kn seantero bumi nih... pegi ar...
n ak akn berusehe seumur idom ak
tok jadi kn idop ko
semerane yg ak rse...  
selamat kt dunie...?? dont worry akhirat ade...

4 those who wanted 2 criticize me... go on...
ak x mara... sbb uh mmg the proper way... 
klo ajok2 
berkelakuan mengajok n mengaib kn ak
face 2 face
 ... uh mmg %*&^$%... 
serious SHIT ak ckap...
sbb dgn kelakuan korank uh... wat kn idop ak terase x idop... 
ape kate ko idop ngan dunie ko... n bia kn ak idop ngan dunie ak... x jadi masalah kn..?? 

mintk maaf...???
oke... once... fine..
2nd tyme... alright... 
3rd tyme... shoud i..??
4th tyme... sory.. 
 out of option... owg slaloo bg 2nd chance je....  ak bg 3... 
tp klo 3 pown x cukup.. that means u really trying 2 make me feel 
n guess what...?! 
u have succesfully make me annoyed... 
so tell all ur friend 2 do so...
so that u will gain the dividend as well... me..?? hmm... mind ur own business...

dh x tahan sgt...
mmg memerlukan seseowg yg memahami.. yg sudi dgr... yg diharapkn dpt besame ak membantu masalah nih... tp... saper...??
rse nyer kne mule kn dgn Allah...
n bru mende laen... or maybe nih mcm balasan dunie ak..?? make sense(istighfar).... haish kne solat tobat bebanyak nih... xpe2... ak akn cbe tok jd +ve dlm sume hal... n thankz tok sowg fren nih yg bg mesej yg sgt menyeda kn ak... (pdhal dyer bg mesej uh saje2 je)... 
towards a better future...!!!
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